Art Optimist

ArtOptimist is a recent art movement that was founded with the aim of creating joy, happiness and optimism. ArtOptimist consists of imaginary beings that reside around us and that we only see when we are open to joy and happiness.

Now take the real hornbill: the real hornet is the genetic continuation of the rhinoceros. The last remaining rhinos decided to shed their horns during their 2015 general meeting. According to Darwin’s laws, they have this biological possibility and freedom. Heusnoorns are cuddly, sweet, affectionate and seek the comfort of human warmth. These African-sculpted four-legged friends are the perfect household companion.

During one of my many African expeditions I was struck by how flat some areas are. After intense research I came face to face with the African puteter (pronounced ‘put eater’). This animal is a distant relative of the stone eater and feeds on pits. The Roads and Traffic Agency is considering purchasing a family of puteters.

Winemakers are fellow artists. They too bottle joy. Toucan, wine nose, sea horse, Chevalier, wine shrimp… are vines that I adapt to the art of creating joy, entirely in accordance with the ArtOptimist house rules.
Art is simple. Happiness, fun and joy are everything.

Nico Burssens (March 4, 1961) is the founder of ArtOptimist.






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